职场资讯 > 工程师职场资讯 > 德国弗莱堡建造了一个“仿生”展馆



来自弗莱堡大学和斯图加特大学的建筑师、工程师和生物学家团队已经实现了有史以来第一座完全由机器人缠绕的亚麻纤维制成的承重结构的建筑。在德国弗莱堡大学的植物园内,“ liv MatS 展馆”将天然材料与先进的数字技术相结合,以寻找更可持续的建筑方法。


受自然界中发现的结构启发,临时展馆由 15 个无芯部件组成。这些组件中的每一个都是由亚麻纤维预制而成。亚麻纤维被机器人缠绕成一个精心计算的桁架结构,并配有角部加固和结构支撑。该建筑系统具有双重作用:亚麻纤维提供了一种完全自然可再生、可生物降解和区域可用的资源,而机器人制造意味着没有任何材料被浪费。


最终的承重结构重约 1.5 吨,占地 46 平方米,顶部是防水的聚碳酸酯表皮。这种皮肤在恶劣的天气中提供庇护,并保护亚麻纤维免受直接紫外线辐射和雨水或雪的水分。最终的设计不仅看起来不错,而且还符合德国建筑规范和相关结构许可要求,展示了天然纤维在建筑中的真正大规模应用。


在接下来的 5 年里,liv MatS 展馆将作为弗莱堡大学的户外演讲厅,以“在自然中学习自然”为概念的植物园作为研究和教学场所。该联合项目由弗莱堡大学卓越集群liv MatS的生物学家和来自斯图加特大学 intCDC 的跨学科建筑师和工程师团队开发。



a team of architects, engineers and biologists from the university of freiburg and the university of stuttgart has realized the first-ever building with a load-bearing structure made entirely of robotically wound flax fiber. erected inside the botanic garden at the university of freiburg in germany, the ‘livMatS pavilion‘ combines natural materials with advanced digital technologies in a bid to find more sustainable methods of construction.


inspired by structures found in nature, the temporary pavilion is composed of 15 coreless components. each one of these components is prefabricated from flax fiber. the flax fiber is robotically wound into a carefully calculated truss structure, complete with corner reinforcement and structural bracing. the construction system serves twofold: the flax fiber provides a fully naturally renewable, biodegradable and regionally available resource while the robotic fabrication means none of the material is wasted. 


the final load-bearing structure weighs approximately 1.5 t, covers an area of 46 sqm, and is topped with a waterproof polycarbonate skin. this skin provides shelter in adverse weather and protects the flax fibers from direct UV radiation and moisture from rain or snow. the final design not only looks good, but it also complies with german building codes and related structural permit requirements, demonstrating the real large-scale application of natural fibers in construction.


for the next 5 years, the livMatS pavilion will serve as an outdoor lecture room at the university of freiburg, which uses the botanic garden within the concept of ‘learning from nature in nature’ as a research and teaching site. the joint project has been developed by biologists from the clusters of excellence livMatS at the university of freiburg, and an interdisciplinary team of architects and engineers from intCDC at the university of stuttgart.

